REC is a Flexible Tool — Vladimir Yakushev


UIREC Supervisory Board meeting held under chairmanship of Plenipotentiary Envoy

According to Vladimir Yakushev, the Center has become an efficient tool for implementation of the regional technological agenda. Photo: Vladislav Burnashev/TASS-Ural Press Center

Vladimir Yakushev, Presidential Envoy to the Urals Federal District, chaired a supervisory board meeting of the Urals Interregional Scientific and Educational Center (UIREC).

Yakushev pointed out that UIREC has become an efficient tool for implementation of the regional technological agenda: it facilitates cooperation between scientific potentials, as well as material and technical resources of scientific organizations, higher education institutions and manufacturing companies. Ural enterprises are actively engaged in UIREC projects as they attract more than 80% of funding for the Center’s activities.

“One of the key objectives that the president has set for research and educational centers is the transfer of domestic scientific developments and achievements into production. Ural Scientific and Educational Center has been working for more than two years, so one can already evaluate the applied results”, Yakushev said.

He also emphasized that UIREC is a flexible tool and it is logical that “we abandon some projects and update project portfolio with new initiatives that passed the selection process”.

The members of the council summed up the preliminary results achieved by UIREC in 2022 and also discussed the progress of technological projects. They paid special attention to the projects that are ready to be implemented in production, and noted the significant contribution to the development of UIREC projects by the youth laboratories. In addition, they supported the changes in the Center’s program of activities proposed as a result of the audit of the projects.